Another Way of Creating a Filter Template

Here’s another way of saving a group of filters by using the playlist and color object:

  1. Open Other → Color (transparent)
  2. Add to playlist
  3. Now that the color object is in the playlist, you can copy and paste a group of filters in that object
  4. “Save as” that file as a template
  5. Remove the other objects that will not be part of the template
  6. Save the template again

See this file as an example: (305.6 KB)

Hello @dys
Sounds like a clever idea !
I had two problems with the content of your ZIP file though.

First, when trying to open Filters.mlt in Shotcut, I got this message:

This means that the .cube file you provided in the ZIP is a copy of the one you used in the template. Different paths.

Second problem:
When I point Shotcut to the .cube file extracted from the ZIP, I still don’t get a green light

Still, the project launches in Shotcut and I can see two items in the Playlist.
But I cannot double-click on any of them OR drag them to the Timeline to display the filters. As soon as I do, Shotcut crashes.

Anyways, when I create my own template using the method you explain I don’t get these problems.

Now, I’m curious to learn how YOU use such a template in another project?
I mean suppose you’re working on a project and that at one point, you need to use one of your templates. If you import say, Filters.mlt in the project using File > Open MLT XML As Clip… >Filters.mlt, you can’t copy the filters from it.
So how do you work with these templates ? Do you start every new project from an MLT file that contains all the filter templates in the Playlist ?

Sorry about that absolute path for the .cube file.

I’m not sure why you can’t see the filters for those objects nor you can’t drag them to the timeline.

Basically, I’m looking for ways to save my filters in the playlist, and I found it useful to use the color object.

And in this updated example, I’ve tried to use an SVG object to store the filters. For this object, it can also have a description (unlike the color object which doesn’t have a description text field in the properties panel). (306.0 KB)

The way I specifically use it is that I have the Filters.mlt file as the template file which I “Save as” whenever I start a new project (just like how you described it in your last paragraph).

And in that new project, I already have the playlist objects containing my filters.

I would simply copy and paste the filters to the timeline objects as necessary.

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Well that’s a great idea. I’m not aware of any one else here mentioning something like this before.
Good job :+1:

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Have you tried creating and using filter presets?
This may save quite a bit of time.

What I like about his method is that he can save a group of many filters in one file and be able to reuse it in other projects.

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I usually load my filters on a track and save that as a template

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I only mentioned presets because I think many people overlook them or don’t know about them.

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@bentacular also mentioned about track — although I’m not sure if it is the track as a playlist object or the track in the timeline.

Sometime I see a “track” object appear in the playlist, but I can’t recreate it now. I wonder if it also has a description text field in the properties panel.

Is this the track on the timeline or the track object in the playlist?

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@Hudson555x Yes, I’m using filter presets and also saving groups of filters in those playlist objects as @MusicalBox has mentioned.

Tracks on the playlist

How do you add tracks on the playlist? I can’t seem to find a resource about it.

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I misspoke. I mean track on the timeline

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