Another new tutorial "How to create an animated video title using the Overlay HTML filter"

I have just uploaded a draft version of a new tutorial “How to create an animated video title using the Shotcut Overlay HTML filter - a beginner’s guide”.

It’s not complete yet so it’s a private Youtube video at the moment but I am posting the link here in case anyone has 25 minutes to spare to view it and perhaps provide some feedback? Constructive comments welcome!!

It’s my first attempt at a tutorial with a voice-over, and was really good fun to produce. Thanks folks!
Thanks to @drm , @sauron and @elusien for feedback for my previous tutorial and for the motivation to do this one.
Video HERE:

[EDIT: I’ve temporarily deleted this video from Youtube whilst I sort out the low volume of the audio and make some improvements to the edit]

(Too long to put on Streamable)


Just clicked on the link and Youtube claims "This video is unavailable’.

Hi @Elusien - I just switched it to “public”, so it might work now. Hope you are well! Jon

[EDIT: I’ve temporarily deleted this video from Youtube whilst I sort out the low volume of the audio and make some improvements to the edit]

Yes, it’s working now. I’ll make myself a nice cup of tea and sit down to watch the video.

P.S. I’ll be looking for guinea pigs for my video credits overlay HTML filter soon. I’m hoping you’d like to put it to the test for me.

The thought of a coding expert watching it fills me with a touch of trepidation :grinning::grinning::grinning:
(since I am not trained in it apart from what I have picked up from the net). I’m sure there are other, maybe better ways of doing things in some cases. I wanted though to show inexperienced users that it’s not too difficult and not to be daunted by what may look like complex code! Thanks for having a look, I appreciate it!

Sure, would very much like to try it out!

That’s great you started this series so soon! I have seen only the first few minutes so far but I don’ know if it’s just me but the audio seems a little low.

Very nice tutorial @jonray . The volume is a bit low. You sound a bit like Sir Michael Caine.

Thanks @drm and @sauron. I’ll look into the low volume, thanks.

LOL! No, it isn’t him, I couldn’t afford to hire him :grinning::grinning:
Anyway his accent is Cockney, mine’s a bit Brummie :grinning::grinning:

I’ve temporarily deleted this video from Youtube whilst I sort out the low volume of the audio and make some improvements to the edit.

I want to see this instructable video. Can you share again?

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