Adding a voiceover

I have watched several tutorials but am still having trouble creating a voiceover. Is there a written sequence of commands? In particular I can not control when the audio starts recording. It seems audio is being recorded even when there is no indication that it is being recorded. I obviously want to play the timeline then start the voiceover when I see the playhead is at the correct point, but does it not work like this?

It starts roughly a second after you click OK to the file-save dialog after you click Capture File.

there is no indication that it is being recorded

The Capture File button changes to Stop Capture.

I obviously want to play the timeline then start the voiceover when I see the playhead is at the correct point

You cannot do that. Instead, set your playhead in Timeline before you open the audio device and start capture. Then, after capture starts click the Project tab under the player. Your timeline playhead position is remembered, Now, click play to resume from that position.

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Not sure what this has to do with “Adding a voiceover”, but for a solution to your query see this post from sauron:

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