Is it possible to add the Extract Sub-clip… option to the menu when right-clicking on a clip ?
If most people are like me, they very rarely open the Properties menu. As a result, they may never come across this very useful feature.
EDIT: And, for the same reasons, maybe add an Extract Sub-clip button in the Source viewer tool bar ?
Sorry but unlikely because the code belongs to the A/V Clip properties. Each class of clip has its own properties. If it would be added into the More submenu. Also, the source toolbar is already fairly crowded. I intentionally try to avoid trying to make almost everything available everywhere. This is not an often used function for editing, and it should not be as it is not very accurate or reliable depending on the format and how it was coded. I do not know how it can be improved; it is technically quite difficult, and your mileage may vary.
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