Add Buttons & Mouse Scroll Wheel Control To Some Of The Filters

The Size, Position & Rotate and Text: Rich filters allow the user to move the position and size parameters with the mouse scroll wheel and they have the up and down buttons on the side:

But the Crop: Rectangle, Text: Simple, Spot Remover and Timer filters don’t allow the use of the mouse scroll wheel nor do they have the buttons:

Can the Crop: Rectangle, Text: Simple, Spot Remover and Timer filters be updated to match those extra features of the Size, Position & Rotate and Text: Rich filters?


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Click that heart shaped button. It won’t bite you. :slight_smile:

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This would be an ideal amendment. The scroll well is so useful for these type of changes within filters.

Je soutiens cette demande dans la mesure ou je l’ai déjà faite sur tous les filtres concernés.
Je suggère même 2 autres ajouts :
- Un toggleButton “1x/10x” qui permet de changer le pas des spinboxes de 1 à 10 pour chaque cran de roulette souris ce qui rend les déplacements longs plus rapides.
- Un toggleButton “Ratio” qui lie la largeur et la hauteur dans le rapport du ratio d’image.
Voir Démo

I support this request as I have already done it on all the filters concerned.
I even suggest 2 other additions:

  • A “1x/10x” toggleButton that allows you to change the spinbox pitch from 1 to 10 for each mouse wheel step which makes long moves faster.
  • A “Ratio” toggleButton that links the width and height in the image ratio.
    See Demo



IMHO, the first step after changing from 1x to 10x should go to the next round tens - 14,20,30,40…

Also special handling for the Gain filter, to match common audio industry practice.


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Sorry, I’m not English, what “IMHO” means ?

“In My Humble Opinion”

More broadly, “It is my opinion; I do not see my opinion as being better than the opinions of others on this matter”.

I will amend my recommendation for the Gain filter.

It is something which I had thought of, but then thought “No, people will say that is weird and un-intuative.”

But then I used the OpenOther:Lissajous, and I found it already has this feature:

  • Up/Down arrows for large changes
  • Mouse wheel for small, fine-tuning changes.

In the case of the Gain filter, then, I recommend the addition of up/down arrows to jump between audio industry standard 3dB steps
(…-6.0, -3.0, 0.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0…)
and leave the mouse wheel as it is.

I believe that the UI of other filters would also be improved by a similar “arrows large, mouse small” control.

This has been done for the next version 21.04