50 MOV videos to MP4

A cause de ce problème de nom, j’utilise MPEGStreamclip qui possède aussi un traitement par lot et qui traite de nombreux formats.
Par contre, je crois qu’il n’existe que pour Mac

Because of this name problem, I use MPEGStreamclip which also has batch processing and handles many formats.
On the other hand, I think it only exists for Mac

I am converting them to make a 2,5 GB file 150 MB or a 1,5 GB file 75 MB or so depending on the video.
My PC has a lot of quad cores waiting to do encoding and rendering jobs so that is fine.

When you are storing thousands of clips size definately matters… :wink:
Makes backups easier and much faster too.

Thanks for all the comments. I think we have some good ideas about how to make good filenames.

One other point for @miltloos for your use case, it is important to remember that when exporting from the playlist, it won’t just convert the codecs and container. It will also convert all the video and audio to match the configured video mode. So if your video mode is 720p, but your files contain a mix of 720, 1080 and 4k, all the output files will be 720p. The same goes for the framerate. I want to make sure you are aware in case this does not meet your use case.

Downloaded Mpeg streamclip and the demanded QuickTime Alternative 1.81.
Added just 12 videos to the batchlist and pressed GO!
Full of anticipation only to see the programm crash after 3 seconds not even finishing a single export…
Still looking for a solution to this…

By the way I tried to add 309 MOV video files in one go in Shotcut and it gave quite some errors.
Will try again in batches of 100 MOV files now. Let see if that works.

Hi Brian, thanks for the info. I use 1080 lowest and that is the minimum size that I need as well. I check the output quality and size before I delete the original files always.

Just removed handbrake, Quicktime replacement and Mpeg streamclip from my PC.
That is why I would really prefer to do it with Shotcut also because so far it is the only one stable enought.

On a good day I need to do 800 conversion or so… It’s quite a lot.
My Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 can do the job though…
I tried to add 309 MOV clips at once but Shotcut gave an error.
Now I just converted a batch of 100 and that went fine.
34,4Gb to 848 MB in just 16 minutes.
Will do the filename copy past job now…
Thanks and I will wait for more info about the possible adaption of the software.
Would be most helpfull.


This discussion has been good and full of helpful ideas. The other thing I have been wondering is if we should add a separate batch conversion tool in Shotcut. That might be a better fit for your use case - but more work.

Hi Brian, all that is needed is a checkbox that can be selected to keep original filenames for the output.
Basically the same way that VLC does it. VLC is unreliable and gives many errors or bad quality output.
At the moment it even stopped working on my PC.

Well I am renaming a list of a hundred and this is an example of the filelist that I have:

list shotcut

No wonder I get lost and forget one then I rename them all wrong and have to start all over again…
Any fast implementation would be greatly appreciated because it costs me hours a day and really drains my energy to be honest…

Hi @miltloos - Are you on Windows? Did you know about the file renaming feature? If not, here’s how it works:
Select all files in a folder (I’ll assume they are Mp4s).
Hover over the top file.
Right-click, select “rename” from the menu.
Type in, say “Movie”. Press Return.
All files will be renamed as follows:
Movie (1).mp4
Movie (2).mp4
Movie (3).mp4
Movie (4).mp4 - etc…

Apologies if you already know this or you’ve mentioned it already (I didn’t get time to read all this thread).

Hi Jonray,

I need to do it the other way. like this:

I have to copy and paste the filenames by hand now just did 309 files not so great for the mouse hand and Ctrl+c and Ctrl+V key hand… :frowning:
Any suggestions how to do this automatically is greatly appreciated.

Ah, OK I see. The only other way I thought of is to use an Auto Hotkey script. At the very least you could make the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V commands easier by assigning to say numberpad 1 and 2 - easier on the wrist!

Hi Jonray, thanks for the tip.

I will first wait if Brian is able and willing to add the filename option to Shotcut.
All the other things take a lot of time and energy but they are not a real solution especially on the long term.

ffmpeg and do it at the command line. I’m sure on the ffmpeg home page there’ll be an example to do just that or something very similar.

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Exactly what I was thinking!

@miltloos1, you’re probably sorted now, but further to my suggestion about using Auto HotKey to rename files, I made this demo:

Here’s the information I wrote in the YouTube description:

I created an Auto HotKey script which helps you to copy and paste a file-name from one type of file to another. Useful if you need to change the names of a lot of files.

How it works: In the demo, I have a folder of PNG files on the left, and a folder of JPG files on the right. When the script is run in Windows, you then follow these instructions:

Click on a file on the left. Press NumberPad1. (The filename is copied).
Click on a file on the right. Press NumberPad2. (The filename is pasted).

So, it’s an easy way of changing file-names if you have LOTS to do.

My script is below if you’d like to copy/paste it.

SetKeyDelay, 200     
send, {f2}
sleep, 500
send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}

send, {f2}
sleep, 500
send, {ctrl down}v{ctrl up}

Hi, thank you for your help.
I am trying to use the upload shrink web version as much as possible because it is only select files and then download all after the conversion.
I still hope that the feature will be added to Shotcut at some point in time.
Thank you.

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Hi jonray,
Well after some serious RSI attacks I started learning hotkey.
I will be honest at first programming hotkey seemed very difficult for me that is why I did not feel likle doing it.
I have a lot of zipfiles so I unzip all hundreds at once in their own directory with 7-zip using the option
extract to “*”
This creates a folder for each movie clip with the name of the zipfile.
Example: “handsome-man-chopping-vegetables-ER3VY5T” folder with a file on there named “229432.mov”. Now I need to remane the file in the folder with the same name that the zipfile and thus the folder is.
I manually type: F2, Crtl+C, enter, enter, Up arrow (to select the file in the folder) , F2, Crtl+V, enter, Alt+ Left arrow (folder back), arrow down (select the next folder).
Doing that litterally a hundred times in a row is not good for my hands and fingers.

So I started with hotkey and came up with this series of commands:

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

send, {f2}

send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}

send, {enter}

send, {enter}

MsgBox, doing up now

send, {Up}

send, {f2}

send, {ctrl down}v{ctrl up}

send, {enter}

send, {alt down}Left{alt up}

send, {down}

MsgBox, done


The only thing that the script doesn not do is select the file in the folder and thus the renaming does not work… If I do it by hand the arrow up does slect the only file in that folder. Any idea what command to use to select the only file in the folder? (Sorry a bit off topic maybe)

I also tried autoscriptwriter to record your keystrokes and replay them but could not find it.

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Ah used some mouse buttons and some clicks on a position and now it works well. Needs some refinement. Thank you very much for the tip!
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


send, {f2}

sleep, 100

send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}

sleep, 100

send, {enter}

send, {enter}

sleep, 500


sleep, 500

send, {f2}

sleep, 500

send, {ctrl down}v{ctrl up}

sleep, 500

send, {enter}

sleep, 100

send, {XButton1}

sleep, 100

send, {down}

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@miltloos1, sorry, I didn’t see your post until just now. (Tip- if you add @jonray to the post I get a little alert by my name icon at the top of the Shotcut forum page so I know there’s a post I should view).
Anyway I’m delighted that you have been using Auto HotKey. I use it often. In fact if you search this forum for the term Auto Hotkey you might like to see a few uses for it which I suggest for operations within Shotcut.

@miltloos1 - I also made this tutorial which uses Auto HotKey whch you might find interesting … :smile::