32-bit Windows build requested

I follow shotcut about 1 year and I’m still fascinated about the speed of development and improvements - phantastic work!
But still we have thousands of pupils (german) without 64-bit-architecture in schools (and partialy at home) where video editing is a required subject in curriculum. So we would be glad to see a 32-bit-compilation newer than shotcut-15-06-01-32-bit-multi-win.exe.

Please be aware that the above filename was never used by the Shotcut project and represents an unofficial package that might include additional unwanted things. The last 32-bit builds should be accessed through the project’s Github releases page.

Might be a helpfull securityhint. Thank you

I plan to attempt to make 32-bit build again now that we are making our own Qt build. That is not a quick thing; so, just stayed tuned to next release notices.

new version 16.10 now includes 32-bit Windows build