23 new "Flip and Spin" animated text TITLES (using Text:HTML)

I am about half-way through the restructuring. Should be finished in a day or so. As for weather - this is what we have this coming week.

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Je ne sais pas si cela est possible en HTML/javascript, mais ce serait super de pouvoir choisir les paramètres à l’aide d’un dialogue “formulaire” plutôt que devoir modifier les différents fichiers avec un éditeur de texte.

I don’t know if this is possible in HTML/javascript, but it would be great to be able to choose the parameters using a “form” dialog instead of having to modify the different files with a text editor.

Interesting. I was using this website for the Astronomical seeing predictions.
@Jonray, draw up the contract and @Elusien and I will send you some heat and humidity. Specify in the conditions, that the clouds come during the day, I don’t want cloudy skies at night. :wink:

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Burn baby burn!

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Ouch! That’s hot… do you know I actually walked the dog today, and had to wear a coat!! :disappointed_relieved:

LOL, heat yes, sun yes, humidity no thanks … :sunglasses:

I wonder what this means of this new feature adaption to text:HTML that Jon Ray has so nicely develop this flig&spin features and share with us.

I don’t think Blender video sequence editor is so rich in feature as Shotcut that I really like. I uses Blender mostly on 3D model/animation after effects … but also adopting to scene build … but I still like this simple text addon from Jonray in shotcut !!

Oh thanks Jonray for this incredible resource contribution to us users of Shotcut.
Well test run using Jon Ray new template … … in my little Blender video still in the making …

It would be possible to convert this into a proper Shotcut filter with parameters such as the text string and the type of transformation, but then you’d need to also factor in Font-Face and Font-Size, Font-Colour, Background-Color etc… All of which are fairly simple to do by editing the CSS code, not so simple in the QML filter interface…

Also, it uses Shotcut’s WebVfx framework, which is vanishing soon (possibly with the next release), so it would be quite a lot of effort for little gain. At least the simplified HTML/CSS/Javascript version can still be run in a browser and that animation recorded (e.g. by OBS) and the result used in future versions of Shotcut.

Completely agree.

Just to add that I purposefully annotated the CSS style file in a way to assist users who may not be too familiar with HTML/CSS to change the font, font-size, etc. easily… see screenshot -


Je ne parlais pas de l’avoir dans Shotcut.
Je demandais si il était possible de le faire dans le fichier HTML. Autrement dit, j’ouvre le fichier HTML avec Chrome ou Firefox … J’ai un bouton sur la page blanche qui ouvre une boite de dialogue dans laquelle je saisi mon texte, la police, etc.
Quand je suis satisfait du résultat dans mon navigateur, j’enregistre le fichier HTML en c’est celui-ci que j’ouvre ensuite avec Shotcut.


I wasn’t talking about having him in Shotcut.
I was asking if it was possible to do it in the HTML file. In other words, I open the HTML file with Chrome or Firefox … I have a button on the white page that opens a dialog box where I enter my text, font, etc…
When I am satisfied with the result in my browser, I save the HTML file and open it with Shotcut.

That is a possibility. It is much less trouble for me to put something on my website that allowes that than to create a Shotcut filter to do it. once I’ve finished with the “simplification” process I’ll have a look at at that.

C’est une possibilité. Il m’est beaucoup moins difficile de mettre sur mon site web quelque chose qui le permette que de créer un filtre Shotcut pour le faire. Une fois que j’aurai terminé le processus de “simplification”, j’y jetterai un coup d’œil.

Dear friend Jonray. Your work is amazing. It’s what i’d love to be able to do!!! Is there a chance that you could help me to do number 16? It would be a miracle for me. Thank you so much

Hi @dankhara - Thank YOU for your comment. Just to say though it wouldn’t have been possible without @elusien’s coding wizardry and help :+1:. And of course, Dan for making it all possible! :+1:

I’d love to help. For a start, have you downloaded my HTML files and also the instructions ?

Instructions - how to use the FLIP SPIN text effects in Shotcut.pdf (74.9 KB)

If you get stuck, please ask questions here and I (or someone else) will help when I get time. Good luck…

Dear Jonray, I did download the instructions, but can’t seem to find where to download the files

Hi @dankhara, 1. Download and unzip the zip file. You will get one folder. Do not remove any of the files from this folder.
Suggestion - copy the entire FOLDER, save it with a unique name (say "FlipSpin Files (COPY) and keep the original as a backup. Put it somewhere handy, such as on your the desktop.(It doesn’t matter where you place the folder but I always put it on my desktop).

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Thank you so much for your help!!!

No problem! Ask again if you still need help.

Wow! … Another great project, getting addicted to this forum already. Quick question Jonray, is there anyway to just animate words rather than characters. I have had a look at the css file, and there seems to be some javascript that splits the words, when i try to remove that function from the file, the word doesnt appear when i render it via shotcut, as a matter of fact i am trying to replicate a “fast vertical spinning text”. Any ideas?

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Hi @odusis , welcome! Woo -hoo I can mention HTML again! :smiley:

In the zipped folder I have made a couple of HTML files which produce a spinning word, and also a spinning image.

You’ll have to use version 20.07.11 or earlier though or it won’t work. Hope this helps. Preview the effect by just double-clicking on file 01.
Spinning text test DEMO (HTML).zip (62.5 KB)




Many Thanks Jonray. You are a star. Will have a look at the zip files. Thanks.

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No problem! Ask if you need further advice!

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