19.12.16 corrupts clips when moving them

I’ve just refreshed from snap.

When moving clips around, expecially when they are on track 2 and there is another video on track 1
the clips get corrupted in a strange way; when playing the sound will starts out of sync 2 or 3 seconds ahead of time and when it finishes but video keeps playing then it sounds like a noise.


track1 is mute
tracki2 IMG_0201.mp4 is the corrupted one

If i detach the audio then it will sound correctly instead.

I also tried creating track3, moving the corrupted clip there and it worked, moving it back and it worked again
but, if i try to move the clip on track2 it will keep playing incorrectly

It sounds related to this, but I have not found the steps to reproduce it yet:

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Indeed I fixed it by moving the clip on a new track.
If I reproduce the problem then do you want my project file?
Or what else debug info can i send?

I found the source of this bug under the following conditions: ripple mode on and when moving left-to-right or moving a clip within a blank region.

Yes, this is more likely what i did

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