Workflow with Time Remap filter (using only a fragment of a clip)

@brian, I think @ejmillan’s post here backs up the issue I raised in the last thread for testing out Time Remap here.

Your solution was to create the Zoom Keyframes Values button which in certain use cases in other filters can be useful. But in the specific instance of Time Remap where the source footage has no B frames and the video is long the default setting of having Zoom Keyframes Values button turned off is a bad idea because it doesn’t make it intuitive. @ejmillan has been using Shotcut for years and it didn’t occur to him to press that button because there was no requirement for such a button in other filters. Since your concept for the keyframe mapping for Time Remap is a slope, the best way to communicate that is to have a slope being shown in the keyframe timeline as the first thing the user sees. They won’t see a slope if Time Remap is being used on a 2 hour clip with no B frames and they will definitely not think to press that button to zoom in. Also even for someone like me who already understands the slope concept you did, I have to press that button in those instances anyway. So why add the extra step?

I suggest that just for this filter to have the Zoom Keyframes Values button on by default.

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