Undo and Redo

The Undo and Redo functions in Shotcut are crucial for managing your editing workflow efficiently.

  • Undo: edit-undo The Undo feature allows you to revert the last action you performed. Whether you added a clip, adjusted the filters, or made a cut, you can easily reverse the change by clicking the Undo button (or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z). This can be repeatedly used to step back through multiple actions.

  • Redo: edit-redo The Redo function is the counterpart to Undo. If you have undone an action and decide you want to keep it, the Redo button (or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Y on Windows or Ctrl+Shift+Z on Linux and macOS) will reapply the most recently undone action. Like Undo, you can use it repeatedly to step forward through your action history.

  • History Panel: Shotcut also features a History Panel, which provides a visual timeline of your editing actions. This panel allows you to see and navigate through your actions quickly, making it easier to manage complex edits. Access the History Panel by going to View > History.

  • There is a default maximum of 50 items for the history, but it can be increased using the configuration key undoLimit.