Transparent Hintergund

can you remove the black in the video background.

Thanks for a helpful answer

If you want transparency, add your video to track 2, put whatever video you want to see behind it on track 1, add Chroma Key Simple to video on track 2, with colour picker, select a black bit of your video (or select black in Key colour). then you should end up with something like this

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Thanks for the quick reply, but I need white or transparent. ?

The attached image is PNG, but in track 1 the background is always black…

The attachment you uploaded is a video.

If you need to remove the black from a image you will need to use something like this

Transparency on track 1 is not required as there no video below.

I have already done that. as PNG,

I have already done that. as PNG,

If I now take it as track 1, the background is black (see video in the first thread).
but it is transparent in the video.

I need it for Onlineshop… please look here

I think you are trying to use Shotcut as an image editor. You might be better to use something like -

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There is no need to remove the black background, many materials are made on it. There is an overlay mode that removes the black color during editing. This is available in 2D and video editors.

True, but why did you not specify it? It is called “Screen” in Blend Mode which is in the video track Properties (select the track header to get its Properties) or as a filter Blend Mode.

I didn’t write because I don’t know English. To write exactly, you need to run the program, switch to English and see what this blending mode is exactly called. I’m writing through Google Translate. This mode is not called “screen”, this blending mode is called “add”(Добавить).

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