Still about missing dark theme

Just wondering, why? Theme option was a good feature. Do you think to have improved shotcut deleting it?
Changing system theme is NOT a solution, because it’s a long an complicated action. Furthermore you could like to run other programs (flie explorer for example) in white color, so you have to switch between light and dark again and again :frowning:
Is your choice definitive? Please think again about it.

Devs have mentioned quite a bit of times already that this is a current limitation, definitely not intentional.

It will probably be fixed when/if they find out how.

Hi, thanks for your answer.
The only topic about I found whas here:
No dark theme in version 23.05.07.
It’s closed and no explanation is given, so I’ve posted my question.
Sorry if I missed something else.

  1. Shotcut - New Version 23.05
  2. Scroll to the bottom

Same as these posts:

Thanks for your answers.
At this point I suggest windows users to have a look here:
Easy Dark Mode - Quick switching between Dark and Light.
It’s pretty friendly and convenient. Hope this help.

Hello to all,
Best way what I did (I think)… back to previous version, dark theme again.
Not messing with the system.

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