Slider doesn't move like it used to

What is your operating system?
Windows 10 64x

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?
Shotcut Version 23.11.29

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
The time slider used to move no matter where you click in the track in all previous versions.
But now it just moves when you click in the dark bar that shows the timestamps.
Restarting Shotcut doesn’t help and the problem occurs in all my projects and also when reinstalling shotcut.

Hi @Dominic

This is not a bug. It’s just a side effect of the new Rectangle selection tool that now allows to mouse-select multiple clips in the Timeline.

If you don’t like it, you can disable it in the settings

It is also possible to disable it temporarily by holding the Shift key on your keyboard while you click in the Timeline.


Thank you buddy, appeciate it! :smiley:

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Thank you. This option was still missing in version 231104 and has been added in 231129.

Settings > Timeline > Rectangle Selection

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