Size/Pos + (Scale/Pos + Keyframe for X/Y)


I’m wondering how to get it work…

As you can see is the emoji in the second pic “blurry”, but only in combination with Size+Pos-filter. And I do not get a keyframe for only the Pos within the Pos+Size-filter…

The screen size is set to 1920-1080, but the original size of the emojis are 128*128 and it needs a resize and the size in percent from Scale+X/Y is not enough for that, because the size needs to be absolutely fit.

And here a curiosity if a set the size to e.g. 1300*1300 in Size/Pos filter…:

Hope some can help.

Best regards

If you’re wanting to keep it at it’s original size, you want the Size Mode to be “Fit”
You can position it by dragging it from the center of the image without using Scale/Rotate.

If you scale the image larger than the stock size (128x128) it will appear blurry.

I had not scaled it with Turn/XY…, had only added the filter, and at once it changed the place and got blurry.

But to your suggestion:
Where is it gone? :slight_smile:

And again, I only added the the Turn/XY filter…

Best regards

You can keyframe with Size & Position.
If you want to keyframe with Rotate & Scale, this has to be 2nd in order.

If you want to just use Rotate & Scale, you have do a bit of math.
Because Shotcut resizes all images to height, which is 1080, and your image is 128
128 / 1080 = 11.8% is what’s needed to be entered into Scale.

Full size screen capture:

Ok, I think I understand…
If I want to use Rotate-XY filter as e.g. second filter after Size-Pos, than Size-Pos needs to be in full size (e.g. 1920*1080 instead of pre-sizing) and set to ‘fit’, ‘middle’, ‘middle’…
So far so good. :slight_smile:

Done, but as soon I add Rotate-XY filter the image disappears! (Have a look at post #3.)

Or here:

Make the image the same size as the video resolution. If you are using a 1920x1080 resolution and want to add an image/object that is say 500x500.
The best way to do it is to center the 500x500 image on a transparent background equal to the video resolution, using an image editing application. Then open the image in Shotcut, apply the SP and RS filters then move and resize the image(s).

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