Simple Shape Mask tanking performance, lagging, and crashing?

Wouldve been nice for you to mention that the log is stored at:
C:\Users#Your user Name#\AppData\Local\Meltytech\Shotcut
But it was not hard to find.

Anyways, I lasted a bit longer this time before crashing. I really cant do this project with proxies or preview scaling, but Im about 90% sure it was crashing even with them on. I can investigate that because the next project will be more important and I will be able to use proxies for it. Idk why its pretty blurry even with proxy and preview scaling off, but I can BARELY see what Im working on as it is, even though my exports are fine. Well anyways here’s the log, it was the only program running, thanks
shotcut-log.txt (1.2 MB)

Also, what is the deal with the grabbable box becoming disjointed from the actual mask? Its super handy when the thing Im masking is so small and it adds a lot of visibility but I dont think its supposed to do that because it seems really random when it does. I’ll call this issue 1. Im also getting issue 2, a lot of instances where the mask Im grabbing becomes disjointed from my mouse as I go to move it, where the mask and its grabbable box get locked in at that disjointed distance. I believe issue 1, the part about the grabbable portion being disjointed (semi-permanently) from the mask itself, happened briefly during that log session, and issue 2 where what Im actively grabbing becomes (suddenly and temporarily) disjointed from my mouse cursor happened a whole bunch of times. Issue 2 keeps the apparent grabbable box and the mask itself together but away from my mouse cursor, unlike issue 1
(I made sure my temps on CPU and RAM were good and I’m maxing out at like 75C on the CPU and 32C on my RAM)