Shotcut takes forever to load playback and continuously crashes

Hello! So recently, I tried to make a video on a compilation for a subscriber goal. When i was about to finish, everything was going well, until i went to undo something and shotcut crashed. i reopened shotcut and the first part of the video had been cut off so i had to restart and hours worth of work. Then, every single time i tried to play this one clip (in mp4 file) it would take 3 minutes the first time to skip to the part the player is at, and the next time it would not load. I even tried installing the latest version of shotcut, creating a new project and skipping further into the video yet, nothing is working! Please help me fix this!

That’s something related to your system, what’s your system specs?

If you don’t have enough ram, than it would happen.

Preview Scaling would help to playback the video faster by lowering down the quality of the video in playback, but it will export in the normal resolution you set to export.

Proxy clips would create some extra files of the same clips, but with lowering the resolution and giving you faster speed to edit, and just like preview scaling, it will export in original quality.

HI @Chonoxian ,
Have you tried proxy editing?

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Sounds like a problem with this clip. In Properties, there is Start Integrity Check Job in its menu and Convert… button to convert it to a format that is edit-friendly.

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