I’ve looked and cannot find a solution. I’ve been using Shotcut without fail for about 6 months and really like it, and have used with 1 hour videos without fail but this week I’ve had a one hour video that I’m re-editing and Shotcut stops working about 20 minutes in, sometimes displaying a checkered screen…
This is quite frustrating… what would be the reason for this? Is this a resource issue?
I guess this is your longest video with the most content you have ever produced. Maybe you ran out of RAM. This can also happen if the ram consumption does not show up in task manager as full because there is also a very high short term RAM usage from the application.
If this is your problem the solution is to split the video into parts about 10 to 30 minutes and export them with the same video and audio settings as your final video. Than you need to create a final video project and import the part videos and export it again. The quality loss of this process should be not noticeable as long you export all videos with exactly the same settings.