Shotcut not working on new asus tuf DASH f15

You need to be more clear when you describe your problem. When you start Shotcut does its window appear but it is unresponsive? Does the window appear then vanish? Does nothing happen at all? Which version of Shotcut are you using?

Post a copy of the Shotcut logfile so we can see if any errors are recorded in it. You will normally find it at:

C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Meltytech\Shotcut\shotcut-log.txt

It could be that your display mode is set up incorrectly. See:

hi, thanks for responding. the app opens, but the minute I pull in a clip into the timeline and start editing it, everything just freezes.

My laptop configuration is asus i7 11gen, 16 gb ram, nvidia rtx 3060. I have tried everything.

After posting on the forum I kept trying different things, and here is where things stand now.

I checked and downloaded the latest video drivers for the graphics card.

The video mode was changed from automatic to 1080 30fps

display - software mesa

The video does play now, but is very choppy. Have tried everything, and still the video playback is very choppy, though it plays fine in vlc and windows media player.

I am really surprised with this, because in my old laptop which was a dell inspiron i7, I had no problems with just importing the video into the timeline and start editing. However, I had to change it because it had no graphic card.

I was hoping with a graphic card with 6 gb and much faster cpu editing will be a breeze, but there are problems galore.

I tried to add the log but it is too long, and the forum limit will not let me. What do I do? Is there any other way to send it?

Please please help. I do not want stop using shortcut, and I have just started a new youtube channel, I cannot waste time in getting the software to work.


Mesa is a software implementation of OpenGL. It does not use the graphics hardware and hence will be slow. Have you tried DirectX? Select Settings->Display Method->DirectX (ANGLE).

See this thread (which at first glance doesn’t appear to be relevant - but it is) for more suggestions:

I have already tried all of that, except for the display files.

When Open GL did not work I tried the software (mensa)

Since my last post, I have also tried to create an intermediate file with HUFYUV compression - the joke is it was laggier after that.

However, after I have tried using proxy with the hardware encoder hevc_nvenc, the lag appears to have reduced considerably.

I will informing the community how this attempt goes. I am now about to go back and check, again.

I am surprised at the lag, as the Cpu/Gpu has never been over 40 % even during the worst lags!.

Sugandha Johar

You can get lag if using a disk rather than an SSD.

Also, another way of reducing lag while editing is to use Preview Scaling:

Please read the caveats in that thread though.

The video is still choppy when playing at 560, and the bogger problem is that shot cu completely freezes when I try to split a clip. This did not happen even with my previous much slower laptop.

AT that time, the cpu usage is only 12.7% and gpu 0%!

Help. I am deperate.


I forgot to mention that the video clip I am using is 20 mins long. I now imported only 6 mins of the clip in the timeline, set the scaling level to the lowest @ 360p, and the proxy too. But still the video is very very choppy. At that time the cpu usage was 22.4 % and gpu 0% ( I have no idea why the gpu was at 0!)

Here is the extract from the log file, if thatis of any help. Now I have no option but to try some other software, which I really really do not want to do.

Wil be giving the remaining extract in the next messages.

However, may be, this could help. The logfile has 2 warnings -

Maybe that is the crux of the problem

[Warning] Application::Application Failed to copy opengl32sw.dll as opengl32.dll

[Warning] [consumer 0x1f14b06ee50] The DeckLink drivers not installed.

Where do I get these two files?



Further steps taken
Tried with a older version - Problem persists. This time the log file shows many warnings, including low memory! I will be giving photo of part of the log file in two messages as it is too long, and I can only paste one picture.

In the third message I will list out the warning I see

Sugandha Johar

Here is the next picuture of the log file

The third picture follows.

Sugandha Johar

Here is the third picture

There is more, so I will continue.

Sugandha JOhar


Fourth part of the text file

Sugandha JOhar

Next Part,

Please accept my apologies if I am overdoing this. I am not a technical person so I don’t know what and how much to sen

Sugandha JOhar


Once again I apologies for the trouble I am causing. But am doing this in the hope that this will also help others. What follows is extract of the log file after removing what appear to be routine debug lines.

[Info ] Application::Application Starting Shotcut version 21.08.29

[Warning] Application::Application Failed to copy opengl32sw.dll as opengl32.dll

[Debug ] MainWindow::setupSettingsMenu begin
[Warning] [consumer 0x2a445e2a320] The DeckLink drivers not installed.

[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL vendor “VMware, Inc.”
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL renderer “llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0, 256 bits)”
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL threaded? false
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL ES? false
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL maximum texture size = 8192
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL maximum viewport size = 8192 x 8192
[Debug ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL end [Debug ] NewProjectFolder::showEvent m_profile “atsc_1080p_30” “atsc_1080p_30”
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9428056 KB
[Debug ] FilterController::loadFilterMetadata reading filter metadata “alpha_adjust” “meta.qml”
[Debug ] MainWindow::open “C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Info ] MainWindow::showStatusMessage “Opening C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Debug ] MltXmlChecker::check end “”
[Info ] MainWindow::open decimal point ‘.’
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Info ] MainWindow::open “C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Debug ] MainWindow::open “C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Info ] MainWindow::showStatusMessage “Opening C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Debug ] MltXmlChecker::check begin
[Debug ] MltXmlChecker::check QVector(“Shotcut”, “version”, “21.10.31”)
[Info ] MltXmlChecker::check decimal point ‘.’
[Debug ] MltXmlChecker::check “C:/Users/sugan/Videos/test/shotcut-PsOLZM.mlt”
[Debug ] MltXmlChecker::check end “”
[Info ] Failed to open audio device: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: directsound
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Info ] [sdl2] Open failed: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: winmm
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Debug ] NewProjectFolder::showEvent m_profile “atsc_1080p_30” “atsc_1080p_30”
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Unable to output 6 channels. Change to 2
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Audio Opened: driver=winmm channels=2 frequency=48000
[Debug ] MainWindow::setProfile “atsc_1080p_30”
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setAudioChannels 6
[Info ] MainWindow::open decimal point ‘.’
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setPreviewScale 640 x 360
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setProjectFolder project folder “C:/Users/sugan/Videos/test”
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Info ] MainWindow::open “C:\Users\sugan\Videos\test\test.mlt”
[Info ] Failed to open audio device: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: directsound
[Info ] [sdl2] Open failed: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: winmm
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Unable to output 6 channels. Change to 2
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Audio Opened: driver=winmm channels=2 frequency=48000
[Debug ] LeapNetworkListener::onDisconnected Disconnected from Leap Motion
[Debug ] LeapNetworkListener::onError Leap Motion WebSocket error: “Connection refused”
[Debug ] MainWindow::openVideo QFlagsQFileDialog::Option()
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9355172 KB
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4951
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Info ] Failed to open audio device: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: directsound
[Info ] [sdl2] Open failed: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: winmm
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Debug ] NewProjectFolder::showEvent m_profile “atsc_1080p_30” “atsc_1080p_30”
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Unable to output 6 channels. Change to 2
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Audio Opened: driver=winmm channels=2 frequency=48000
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setAudioChannels 6
[Info ] Mlt::Controller::resetLocale decimal point .
[Debug ] MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setAudioChannels 6
[Info ] Failed to open audio device: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: directsound
[Info ] [sdl2] Open failed: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: winmm
[Debug ] NewProjectFolder::showEvent m_profile “atsc_1080p_30” “atsc_1080p_30”
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Unable to output 6 channels. Change to 2
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Audio Opened: driver=winmm channels=2 frequency=48000
[Debug ] MainWindow::setProfile “atsc_1080p_30”
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setProfile setting to profile “atsc_1080p_30”
[Debug ] VideoVectorScopeWidget::profileChanged 709
[Info ] Mlt::Controller::resetLocale decimal point .
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setProjectFolder project folder “C:/Users/sugan/Videos/test with older version”
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] MainWindow::setProfile “atsc_1080p_30”
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setPreviewScale 640 x 360
[Debug ] MainWindow::setAudioChannels 6
[Debug ] Mlt::Controller::setAudioChannels 6
[Debug ] [producer avformat-novalidate] “C:/SACCHI VIRASAT/Projects/Mirchi/videos for editing/D56_3954.MOV” checking VFR: pkt.duration 1001
[Info ] MainWindow::open “C:/SACCHI VIRASAT/Projects/Mirchi/videos for editing/D56_3954.MOV”
[Info ] [filter swresample] 2(stereo) s16 48000Hz → 6(5.1) s16 48000Hz
[Info ] Failed to open audio device: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: directsound
[Info ] [sdl2] Open failed: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[Info ] [sdl2] Try alternative driver: winmm
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Unable to output 6 channels. Change to 2
[Info ] [consumer sdl2_audio] Audio Opened: driver=winmm channels=2 frequency=48000
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9186020 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 8 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4951
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Timeline::AddTrackCommand::redo video
[Debug ] Timeline::OverwriteCommand::redo trackIndex 0 position 0
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Player::setIn in -1 out 10867
[Debug ] Player::setOut in -1 out -1
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] [producer avformat] audio: total_streams 1 max_stream 1 total_channels 2 max_channels 2
[Debug ] [producer avformat] “C:/Users/sugan/AppData/Local/Meltytech/Shotcut/proxies/9b4f296ca4a5ec1ceecc6d77ef9bd46c.mp4” checking VFR: pkt.duration 1001
[Debug ] [producer avformat] audio: total_streams 1 max_stream 1 total_channels 2 max_channels 2
[Debug ] [chain avformat-novalidate] “C:/Users/sugan/AppData/Local/Meltytech/Shotcut/proxies/9b4f296ca4a5ec1ceecc6d77ef9bd46c.mp4” checking VFR: pkt.duration 1001
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Info ] [filter swresample] 2(stereo) f32le 48000Hz → 6(5.1) f32le 48000Hz
[Debug ] TimelineDock::setSelection Changing selection to (QPoint(0,0)) trackIndex -1 isMultitrack false
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9025200 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 8 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4950
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9048680 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 8 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4950
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9036688 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 11 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4950
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9076776 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 11 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4950
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9019756 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 7 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing -4950
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 9008296 KB
[Warning] iconv failed to convert “_xml_lcnumeric_in” from code page 65001 to UTF-8
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 8 ms.
[Debug ] MainWindow::closeEvent begin
[Debug ] MainWindow::closeEvent end] MainWindow::closeEvent end


To me it looks as if your OpenGL installation is corrupt.

Root of Opengl32sw.dll Problems

Typically, opengl32sw.dll problems are attributed to a corrupt / missing opengl32sw.dll. opengl32sw.dll files get corrupted from malware, bad shutdowns, and other opengl32sw.dll-involved scenarios. Upon loading Shotcut, the corrupt opengl32sw.dll cannot load properly, causing crashes or other problems.

Another possibility for opengl32sw.dll problems is due to registry disruption. These busted opengl32sw.dll path references cause errors with Shotcute due to improper opengl32sw.dll registering. Moving an opengl32sw.dll, missing opengl32sw.dll files, or bad/leftover file references can cause these to break.

More precisely, opengl32sw.dll error caused by:

  • opengl32sw.dll entry corrupted or invalid.
  • opengl32sw.dll file corrupted from malware infection.
  • hardware has failed, corrupting opengl32sw.dll.
  • Different software install overwrote opengl32sw.dll version needed.
  • Malicious deletion (or mistaken) of opengl32sw.dll by other software.
  • opengl32sw.dll maliciously (or mistakenly) uninstalled by different rogue or valid program.

You could try downloading and running (I run it as Administrator) GLViewer from here: OpenGL Extensions Viewer 6 | realtech VR | realtech VR to see if it reports anything untoward.

report looks fine. Noting untoward.

So what do we do now?

Should I just reformat the laptop and take it from there?

After all it is brand new no particular problems in that. There is no data there.

Sugandha Johar

What is the opengl.dll needed? Where can I find it? and how do I replace it?
Can I do it myself?


If there were no untoward messages when you ran GLViewer and the output related to your Nvidia graphics card looked OK then your driver probably isn’t the problem.

These messages show that you have set the “Display Mode” to “Software (Mesa)”, which is “bundled with” Shotcut and which is a software implementation (not hardware) and as such low-performant, which is probably why you are getting such bad stuttering.

With Windows you should really use “Diaplay Mode” = “ANGLE”, or “Automatic”, your logfile should then show something similar to:

[Debug ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL begin
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL vendor “Google Inc.”
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL renderer “ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 -Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)”
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL threaded? false
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL ES? true
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL maximum texture size = 16384
[Info ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL OpenGL maximum viewport size = 32767 x 32767
[Debug ] Mlt::GLWidget::initializeGL end

I would re-install Shotcut, ticking the option which says “Remove Shotcut Settings from Registry” (see below) and see if this fixes it.

If that did not make a difference, I would suggest to put it back to Automatic.

I suppose to completely eliminate the graphics device, you could disable Nvidia graphics in the bios and use the built-in Intel graphics device.

Shotcut provides opengl32sw.dll. When you try to use software Display Method, it tries to copy the files named above as a foolproof way to use the software method due to a bug that is out of our control. However, it still tries software method despite this. The copy fails because your user does not have permission to write to files in Program Files. That is normal and good policy by Windows. If you want to avoid this copy failure and have foolproof software method, you can run the portable version from a folder where you have write permission such as Downloads or Desktop. However, be aware that software method is slow for full resolution HD+ video and to use preview scaling with it.

You do not need the DeckLink drivers. Do not be concerned about “warning” here.