Shotcut downloads

This is a question more out of curiosity than anything else. I saw an uptick in my friends and co-workers in k-12 education learning basic video production this past spring. As Covid hit and schools shut down, I think more and more educators were forced to find their own resources to create meaningful, effective lessons for their students. I think many of them gravitated toward OpenShot for its simplicity as they were just looking for simple segment stitching and text features, and not necessarily sophisticated editing. However, I don’t think my industry is the only one that has had to learn how to make videos.

Just wondering, have the admins here seen an associated jump in Shotcut downloads? I’d be curious to know those stats and how they relate to people trying to work and communicate more from home.

My wife is a teacher and had to take a course in digital content creation and the video editor chosen was Kdenlive, not even the organizers were aware of Shotcut.
I already informed them about Shotcut, but I doubt they will change the course content regarding video editing.
The organizers already created the tutorials for Kdenlive (very basic by the way) and I don’t think they want to repeat the work to change to Shotcut. Too bad.
My wife, after seeing Shotcut, found it more comfortable for her needs.
My son also started using Shotcut for his work in high school precisely because I recommended it to him and he knew about the projects I do with Shotcut.
My son recommended Shotcut to his classmates. Many of them will never edit video again because they only installed Shotcut for a one-time study assignment.

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