Shotcut Default Options - Video Filter & Export


a) How do I set these two Video Filter options to always “Enabled” or “Checked” ?

“Adjust opacity instead of fade with black”
Fade In Video
Fade Out Video

The “Set as default” button does not save these settings for some unknown reason.


b) How do I set the default “Quality” setting to 99% instead of 59% ?

Adding a Custom Encode Profile does not save the Quality setting which reverts to 59%.


AFAIK the default for the fades is fade with black. You cannot set them to adjust opacity.

Select the default preset. Click the advanced tab. Set quality to 99%. Click the + icon.

Name the preset. Click OK. It works fine except the quality is set to 98%.


About Part a) - can you add the ability to set the default as “Checked” for both filters ?

@sauron - not sure why/how this is marked as a solution BUT

Part b) of my question relates specifically to “Constrained VBR” at 99% as shown in the screenshot. The “Default” preset uses “Quality-based VBR” which is not the same. Did you try saving a preset using 99% and the other values depicted? I did and it does not save the value - it reverts back to 59%.

I cannot mark my reply to your topic as a solution only you or a moderator can do that.

Today I tried saving a preset using your exact settings, as per screenshot. The preset reverted back to 59%.

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