Saving Custom Export Preset

When saving a custom export preset, if the video codec is rawvideo and “Other” contains the line:


that line is not saved with the preset. It is saved if the line is pix_fmt=yuv444p or pix_fmt=yuv422p. Is this by design or a bug?

The export runs OK with pix_fmt=yuv420p and all is well; it just isn’t saved when you try to save the preset.

Thank you.

The line with pix_fmt=yuv420p is save, but it not applied when being read. I see the code that excludes this. I forget why I added that. It probably has something to do with being the default for so many of the codecs. Is this causing a problem?

It is if I want to export in 420.

I can’t think of a reason you would want to exclude 420 and allow 422 and 444.

This is fixed for the next version.

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