Repeating many times same thing

Tried to add lyrics to a short music (singing) video clip.
Located the video on video track v1, added a video track v2.
For each text line I made a transparent clip, dragged it on track v2, selected text filter (simple), entered the text line.
Had to select the font type, size, color, tick “use font size”, reduce “Thickness” to zero, position the text on the frame and then adjust the timing.
All of this repeating for each text line. At the end I wanted to add fade-ins and outs to each text clip, so selected several at a time (like selecting several files to copy/rename/delete or whatever), but it did not work, had to select each text clip to add the fade-in & out filters.
This brings me to the following questions:

  1. Is it possible to select one time the font type, size, color, tick “use font size”, reduce “Thickness” to zero. To leave only to enter the text, position it and adjust the timing.
  2. Select several text clips to add same filter to all of them as described above.
    Answers will be appreciated.

Shotcut version 20.09.13

If these subtitles are meant to be lyrics then I imagine all if not most of the subtitles are using the same font and style in your video. If so then you didn’t have to repeat the steps for “font type, size, color, tick “use font size”, reduce “Thickness” to zero” every single time.

You can just pick one transparent clip and apply a Text Simple filter to it, set all of your settings in Text in regards to font, size, positioning, etc… Then take that very clip and put it in your playlist. Now every time you want to make a new subtitle line simply bring down that very clip from the playlist that has all of the settings already applied to the video track. From that point on all you have to do is time the line and enter the text for that part.

Vous le faites une fois sur le premier clip.
En cliquant sur le bouton “+” de “Preset” vous enregistrez ce préréglage.
Pour chaque clip suivant, il vous suffit de le rappeler.

You do it once on the first clip.
By clicking the “+” button of “Preset” you save this preset.
For each following clip, you just have to recall it.

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