Pocketables is using shotcut

I write for a technical site www.pocketables.com(my articles here https://www.pocketables.com/author/daniel-smith) and going forward any reviews I post with video will be edited using in shotcut(I’ve actually been using it for a while but am making a point of it going forward now that we’re using our offical channel again), the entire channel is visible here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRHfNta2Fa4jlxwCMIdvDQA And I know there’s two videos in the pipe that I’ve uploaded recently(The first is a microphone review here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOIXftFey-w the written portion will be live in the morning and i’ll update this post then) I can’t promise every review I do will have video(or fancy editing) but the ones that do go through shotcut and are being tagged “Made with Shotcut” when they’re uploaded.


I’ll take a look when they’re up. I tag all those I’m involved in with “made with Shotcut” and a link to the main site too. Great piece of software that deserves as much recognition as it can get :slight_smile:

The full review(with the video embeded in it) actually posted earlier today

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