Please revert the combination of Size and Position and Rotate and Scale

I found that both the Size and Position and Rotate and Scale filters had different uses and worked together well, but the way that they were combined kept only the worst aspects of both filters. I find the new filter to be unintuitive, considering that for some unknown reason, you can only zoom into the center of the screen or corners with the terrible new system of targeted zoom. Before, rotate and scale zoomed to the center of the current screen. No matter where you move the screen now, it will zoom into a predetermined preset point with very little room to change. This forces you to either manually enter coordinates, which does work but is time-consuming and is mostly guesswork if you aren’t a professional, or switch back and forth between zooming in a certain percentile on middle center and switching to and zooming a certain percentile on left center, just as an example, which grants shakier results and is even more time consuming. PLEASE either fix the new filter or bring back the old ones in the next patch, because every other new addition and change improved my experience except this one, and I would prefer not to use an outdated version.

There is nothing wrong with it now, and it will not be changed.

Thank you for your reply, I can now see the nuances and upsides of the new filter that I hadn’t gotten a grip on quite before. If using a previous version is the only way I will see the old filter again, that is likely what I’ll do. Thank you for the information.

Just registered to reply you. I am new to shotcut but minute i started to use i noticed these negative side kept using i thought i may be doing something wrong. yet i see now it is just a coder’s shor"t"cut. will be looking for alternatives after my current project complete. adios. would have loved it.

Read this thread before you go. Other people didn’t like the new SPR filter at first because they didn’t grasp the new shortcut keys and the tricks that went with it. After learning it, most people love the new version. Some of the tricks are listed here and they make common cases very fast: