My thanks and appreciation for this new version

Could I just offer a word of my thanks and appreciation to Dan @shotcut, Brian and any other contributors, for this version 20.06 / 20.07? The proxy editing is a fantastic feature, works brilliantly (flawlessly behind the scenes) and has pretty much halved my editing workflow. And the Slideshow generator is brilliant.

Just taking a look at all the new features, changes and fixes is mind-boggling!

Such a lot of work there, and all for free software. It’s quite amazing, and I for one appreciate it (although on a personal note, of course I would like to see the Text:HTML filter retained, but that’s not the subject of this post …!!). Thank you Dan and the team. Shotcut goes on from strength to strength!!


Agreed, that is an astonishingly long list of great features. The amount of code and concentration time is mind-boggling. The complainers seem to forget that all of these features happen in exchange for Dan’s and Brian’s time to be alive on this Earth, where they could have been doing other things. In that context, it’s hard to feel anything but gratefulness.


I really add my gratitude to this.
In these difficult times, Shotcut is a great tool for many people and this is possible by the generosity of those who contribute to this project.


Oui c’est vrai que l’on a toujours tendance à en vouloir plus, sans songer un instant au travail que cela représente. Il est aussi beaucoup plus facile de réclamer ou critiquer que de prendre quelques instants pour remercier ceux qui nous ont fourni ce merveilleux logiciel.
Merci aux développeurs et longue vie à Shotcut.

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Tu as bien raison @Namna

Lorsqu’on apprécie quelque chose, que ce soit un bien ou un service, on le fait souvent en silence. Mais quand on est pas content, on hésite pas à tirer sur tout ce qui bouge.

So yes, I also want to thank the Shotcut team for all the great work they do.

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Yes, I completely second that thought.
Shotcut is wonderfully good software, and I am immensely grateful to the people who put their time and effort into it.

Great job guys!

indeed! very very very great work!

All my respect and gratitude goes out to the Shotcut contributors, you’ve helped me create some amazing videos quickly and easily, and continue to impress with new features. Thank you very much. :heart:


I totally agree with you all! I just started using Shotcut some weeks ago, but the responses are fast and things are really moving.
I really appreciate all the work Dan and the others do.
Is there a way to get some money to the developpers as a Thank you?
Take care,

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