Multiple, synced windows

Would be cool to be able to open multiple windows synced together, to have different docks across different virtual desktops.

Nearly every panel is floatable (undocked). The main limitation is only one player bound the main window, but there is Settings > External if you have more than one display connected. That is already very flexible. I do not understand your request. Multiple windows of what? Sync what?

Sorry, I might have been unclear. Lemme try again

I would like an option to open multiple windows like the main window, with a different layout for each one, which work on the same project, to spread them across virtual desktops (the thing that lets you group windows on your PC) and switch layouts by switching virtual desktops, or maybe for other use cases

Does View > Layout > Add on the menu accomplish what you want? I’m not grasping how multiple copies of the same project on virtual desktops is a productivity benefit when the ability to instantly switch between layouts is already an option.

It does, but maybe here would be other use cases for this?