Hi Ken, Your post was very timely for me because I’m just experimenting with scrolling movie credits using HTML overlay too! Your method of creating the scrolling text in a html editor then capturing the screen as it plays in a browser was very useful. Using this method I just came up with this video:
The HTML code I used for the scrolling text is below if anyone would like to experiment with this.
Video end credits adapted by JSR experiment 01.pdf (39.9 KB)
Copying the code from the pdf, putting it into notepad and saving it with a html extension should enable you to open it in a browser.
Notice it uses the @keyframes credits CSS rule rather than the marquee tab and it scrolls very smoothly in the browser.
I adapted it from an example html from a site called codepen: It’s here:
What I did was to screen capture (as an mp4) the output from Chrome, using Sharex, then import into Shotcut as well as a short video of clouds which I took using my Panasonic camera, applied a chroma key filter to the text video, and merged the two together. I’m not there yet - the text scrolling is choppy (I probably needed to screen capture it at 60fps, I think it was only 25 or 30fps). Also the green colour is still appearing on the scrolling text.
Will experiment further when I have time but thanks Ken for helping me along the way with this.
My ideal goal is to find out if I can import the HTML code into the Shotcut HTML editor and get it to work that way. I have tried this but can’t get it to work yet.