Massive reverb

Hoping someone has conquered this already…

I have come across this a couple of times: Applied a small amount of reverb to a project, exported it, played back the file to find massive reverb…

Go back into the Shotcut file… barely discernible… Export again… Massive reverb…

How to tame this…?

I applied the Reverb filter to a few audio clips and video clips with audio without any problem. The reverberation level was the same before and after exporting.

Does it happen to you with every clip? Or just one particular clip?

Fortunately not every clip, although, if it was, it might be easier to solve… But it does happen regularly…

I don’t reproduce this, either. If you are interested to help debug, a next step would be if you could make a minimum example project that uses a single media file to demonstrate the problem. Provide the project file and media file to me and I can try to debug it.

Sure thing…

here’s one now…

phsyco reverb

And I would if I could, but that sort of caper doesn’t seem to be allowed in here…

I downloaded the media file. I can hear that the sound is bad. Is this the ORIGIONAL file, or one that you exported from Shotcut?

If it is the ORIGIONAL, Shotcut can not make that sound better.

If it is not the original, can you please provide the original file and a Shotcut project file that causes the bad sound?

And, I’m surprised you got hear that at all… After compiling that message all sorts of alarms went off, such that I couldn’t get the next link up…

I tried to send the shotcut link through again and failed…

Is there another way/forum I can get a file to you…?

Also: thanks very much for weighing in on this Brian…!

Try again; I boosted your membership trust level.

Third time’s a charm…?

I do not think you have provided the input file Momma Don't.MOV

The previously uploaded Momma Don't.mp4 appears to be the export result.

For sure…
having another poke at it now…

Shotcut file

reference file

Thanks for sharing the files. I opened your project and looked at your reverb parameters. I found that the Early Reflection Level was cranked up to the maximum level:
If I turn that down, it sounds much better.

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That is all great info… thanks…!

I went back into the file, to see the effect changing this parameter… To my surprise, the file sounded, awful…

The thing being: whenever this situation reared it’s head in the past, the shoutcut file (with whatever preset reverb I had adopted) sounded fine, but the exported file was horrible…

So, it seems that the chosen reverb is not being accurately represented in my working shotcut files, until I exit all windows and reboot…?

That would explain it. But i do not know how that could happen. If you notice it happen again, please save a copy of the Shotcut application log and share it. Hopefully there would be a hint in there.