marketplace/Freelancer for a shotcut projects

This is my first post in which I would like to have a project done using Shotcut, I’m not sure if I have the right to post such a subject here. if not please delete it.
I would like to do some projects using Shotcut and I’m not sure if there is a marketplace specifically for Shotcut or where can I find some freelancers who can do some jobs.
Thank you in advance

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Hey @dar_dariba , You have full right to post anything legal and family friendly, their are very less people interested on this site to freelance, like what happened to this post

No-body was interested in this, but in your case someone could also be interested but their are very less chances. So, you should hire any freelancer available at your physical location as it’s the best way.

thank you so much @Ar_D for your reply, so it looks like that I’m going to hire myself for doing what I have to do :slight_smile:
in the meantime, I will see if I can get something from this post

If you are still on the lookout for some help I would be glad to help you out, as what you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise.
You can reach me on
Cheers and Have a great Monday,

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