“accept” done.
Tested; it still works for .mlt, but for somefile.txt, [corrected.below].
“accept” done.
Tested; it still works for .mlt, but for somefile.txt, [corrected.below].
That is strange, on my side, any file that does not have a .mlt extension is greyed out and can’t even be selected.
Are you sure your server is not still caching the old version?
Ooops, forgot the quotes…
Attached, updated file for those that want to try locally.
Again, .txt extension must be changed to .html
AnalyzeMLT.txt (927 Bytes)
Easier way…
Go to
There was an error, no quotes.
Fixed that.
Now it still accepts myproject.txt, and analyzes it if it is merely a renamed myproject.mlt
View Source from inside Chrome:
You mean if you rename a txt file to mlt?
It will as other than the file type filter, it has no other error checking.
Will make more changes to it so if it finds no sensible data in the file, it pops a warning saying something like…
No data found, either not a valid mlt file
or it’s corrupt.
The other way around.
My first test files were things like shoppinglist.txt; the tool ignored everything in them.
So I renamed a someproject.mlt (actually, copied) to someproject.txt, and submitted that. Without any hesitation, the tool dutifully listed the filters, etc.
Chrome, Firefox, and Brave on Ubuntu Linux.
Maybe those web browsers (on Ubuntu) don’t understand or implement the “accept” option.
I have updated the code to include a pop-up warning if valid data is not found.
Version 3 below:
AnalyzeMLT.txt (1.2 KB)
The test checks for the video properties and not filters.
It’s quite possible to have a mlt file of a project that used no filters, but there will always be a video properties section.
Could be.
It is up and running now.
(The site was broken for a few minutes; in my first copy-and-paste, I missed a closing brace.)
I have long suspected that my MLT files were taking money on the side, to make my life difficult.
You got to keep an eye on those pesky files and their side hustle.
Updated version of MLT file analyzer.
It now shows version as well and formatting is a bit better.
As before, change .txt extension to .html
AnalyzeMLT.txt (1.6 KB)
Latest version online now.
Analyze MLT online
Thank you.
Building on the work done by @Paul2 and @kagsundaram I have put together an MLT Analyzer that tabulates the project file’s PRODUCERS, FILTERS and TRANSITIONS. It also flags in red any producer called “BLANK”, which has been the cause of quite a few reported bugs in recent days.
You can access it on the webpage below (just press the button on the webpage and select your MLT file from the “Open File” dialogue):
Very nice @Elusien a vast improvement over mine.
Really handy tool, thank you.
The MLT is an XML file. The jQuery javascript library, which I’ve been using for years, makes processing of XML files very easy e.g. to get all of the <producer> tags, process each one in turn, extracting the “id” and the name of the resource from the relevant <property> tag is simply:
$('producer', xml).each(function(){
var id = $(this).attr('id')});
var resource = $(this).children('[name="resource"]').text();
It is then a simple matter of creating the HTML code to put these into a table.
Makes perfect sense for a server environment.
However, for a standalone type “app” for users to quickly check their MLT files, the js lib adds an extra level of complexity, i.e. having to be present as well.
Don’t get me wrong, I far prefer your version, but the need for a dependency to use it “locally”, may complicates things for some.
Of course, if they are always online, then using your version is a piece of cake.
There is now a version of the app that can be downloaded and used when not online. It requires no extra files, just the HTML file itself (the minified jQuery library is bundled into it). It is here:
You can download a copy by right-clicking the link above and selecting “Save link as…”.
Fantastic, perfect solution.
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