HTML/CSS3 Animations now possible in Shotcut

Thanks @elusien!! Yes, all sorted now, sorry for not noticing this error! Also thanks for the information on decimal places. For humans, processing a number like 0.08800000000000001 is difficult, but I guess for a computer it’s no big deal …




Really like your flickering text, gave me an idea…hope you don’t mind.
(Don’t forget to turn up the volume).


Of course not!!:+1::+1::grinning::grinning: LOL - that’s Brilliant! Actually I was thinking of doing something similar with it too but yours is better than I could have come up with!!
Great stuff!, keep it up!!

That is a real frightning effect :wink:.
I too noticed that the text shadow is less severe in Shocut than in a browser.
@Paul2 Did you screen capture the browser window?

Thanks guys.

No, just change the background color in the html file from black to transparent.
Another way if you don’t want to mess with html is to chroma key the black out.

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