How to import .dng photos into Shotcut for color grading?

So, I have still pictures in .dng format and I need to color grade them…HOW CAN I DO THIS ? Please be specific and precise in your “STEPS TO FOLLOW” thank you.

DNG support is on the Shotcut roadmap, but not yet implemented. See here:

and here:

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Please read the thread that @Elusien linked. It will probably answer everything. If it doesn’t, then please clarify if you mean DNG for images or CinemaDNG for video, and what the source of these DNG files is.

Well since Shotcut does not have the ability to process .dng photo files, I had to find a program to not only process single picutres but also would process (.dng and D-Log) directly into a color correction Such as FastStone , Fast Stone is a free online program designed especially to process any picture and save the new photo, it also has the ability to color correct, and many more
easily found attributes. THANKS

There is also RawTherapee and darktable for more advanced color work, including masks and local adjustments. Both are open source.

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