How do i move clips or audio clips to the exact second as i want?

(Firstly, sorry for my bad grammar, english isn’t my first language:) So i am new with Shotcut, and i know how to move clips or audio clips, i can do it by moving the mouse while holding the left click. But when you are doing that it keeps moving the clip to the 1 second and 37 milisecond (or higher) forward or backward. I want to move it second to second. Donno if you guys understanded what i meant but can you help?

I would use the playhead with snapping activated to do this.

  • Forward One Second - Page Down
  • Backward One Second - Page Up

Then drag/snap clip to playhead.

You can also move the the playhead with this box.
The time code works as follows:

  • hh = Hours
  • mm = Minutes
  • ss = Seconds
  • ff = Frames

Depending on the fps your video is, the ff value you enter will vary for each video at different fps settings. If you have a 30 fps video and have it set at :15, is different than if you have a 60fps video and have it set at :15.

In the picture above, I have a 60fps video, and I have set it to the 55th frame into the 3rd second. Either you can use the arrow keys in the picture, up or down with the mouse, or you can highlight with the mouse a section and change it manually by typing in the value you want.

There are more docs on entering time values at the bottom of the keyboard shortcuts page. When you click into the field, it selects all the text, so you can conveniently start entering a time value that can be a shorthand notation as described in the doc.