GPS Text Video Filter

See also this filter’s engine-level documentation.

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One more question :slight_smile:
I’ve gotten the GPS data all synced up, I can get the time displayed, I can show the map and where I am on in and can see my speed, etc.

I’d like to tweak the graphics used for things (like the altimeter) so instead of it showing a line graph, I’m animating a vertical bar. Or using my own graphic for the speedometer or being able to set the speedometer to use max/min values from the file I provided without also showing a text readout of the speed.

Is there a way I can tweak graphics or provide my own graphics?

There’s a limited set of options for each type.

These 2 things are not implemented so not possible at this point. You can only tweak the colors and show/hide some stuff (either by checkmarks in the filter UI or setting the color to 0 alpha).

This part should be possible.
Min and Max are following the values in “Crop vertical” fields (yes, for now they just reuse those fields but it is planned that sometime the text will change dynamically depending on each setting). Here’s a screenshot with 10 to 50 as min/max*.
The big bold speed can be hidden by unchecking the “Now text” option.

Btw, make sure to change the unit to mi/h in the “Unit” field otherwise it’ll show km/h by default.

*another tip is if you want to use the values from the file quickly: click on the reset button on the end of the “Crop vertical” fields. This sets the dropdown type to % instead of value and min: 0%, max:100% therefore it set the speedometer from min/max in your file (but you’ll end up with uneven numbers for each division so I’d say pick some round number higher than the max to divide nicely).

Thanks, I appreciate the responses! Each year I record the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred Mile bike ride down in Wichita, Texas and do some fun overlays. I’ve been using Virb Edit, but that program hasn’t been supported in almost a decade. I’ve been hoping shotcut would get an add-on like this, I’m glad to see it coming along!

Sounds fun, be sure to share the final video on the forum when it’s done, I’d like to see how you tweak that speedometer :wink:

The latest version just released ( 24.08.29 ) now supports Power as #gps_power# (for GPS text).

Most of the code was written by augustoborn (github). I’ve only quickly added tcx support just in time for release.

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That’s absolutely fantastic - thank you to both you and, of course, to augustoborn. Really appreciated - for road cyclists, that’s a massive help.
Thanks also for the update here.

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Here’s the finished video.

I used the GPS filter in shotcut to do the map since I liked it better than the other software I use. To get the speed gauge, grade level, altitude, and distance animations I used a program call virb edit from garmin. It takes the GPS data, does those animation and then I can create a bunch of PNG overlays.
THEN I have to use ffmpeg to create a transparent video overlay from all those PNGs that I can then add as a track to Shotcut. IT’s quite the process and I’m definitely hoping we can see more from this GPS filter.
I’m not sure how it would work, but being able to do things like create our own gauges where we could animate rotation or position based on the min/max values from the GPS data?

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Do you mean an image sequence? To use that directly in Shotcut, open the first image, and click the Image sequence checkbox in Properties.

Nice 100k and impressively empty roads for most of the route. I only did 100km once on my bike but through the city (and it was actually 2x laps of 50k) so low average speeds, traffic lights and rather boring as I’d pass the same streets back and forth for a lap.

While this is technically possible it would complicate like crazy the current UI so it’s unlikely to be implemented. There’s a reason completely separate programs for GPS overlays exist.

I do like the simplicity/minimalism of other popular overlays including the ones from virb (I actually have it installed and used it a few years ago before shotcut), so it is actually high on my todo-list to implement (as individual styles) small animated icon-like for the few common stuff. I have a bunch of screenshots from random videos I’ve seen over the years that are simple enough to do using basic 2d shape drawings, I just need to find a bunch of free time… sometime… hopefully this year :sweat_smile:.

Looks nice. However, the red text is a bit difficult to read. Especially when viewing the video at 1080p

Maybe change it to yellow (if it is possible)?