You have some suggestions to get the ball rolling. One thing I will say is that if you decide to go the cool text route, that suggests to me you are probably somewhat limited in your graphics/animation abilities and maybe you could learn to become proficient in GIMP (since that is definitely a useful skill set to have). GIMP is much easier than Blender.
First, watch this:
At any rate, this is an exercise in Marketing (branding) and can still be very simple. The planning of your intro will be at least as important as the flashy bells and whistles. So you need to ask yourself what kind of topics you feature or plan on featuring on your channel. Do you have a logo, is it always mountain biking, is it sports related, is there a tips and tricks feature section, what is your target audience, what is the objective of your channel (education, entertainment ) etc etc??
You can make some pretty cool basic effects IN Shotcut, but have you tried to use Glaxnimate? That is a simple animation program bundled with Shotcut and it is relatively easy to learn. Here are some examples of what I’ve done, and I am far from a video expert.
That intro was made purely in Shotcut, then further down is the Glaxnimate version (which you can download to study if you want).
Here is another I made for a Hillclimb.
For that one I downloaded the speedometer for free from YouTube, and the rest is all done in Shotcut.
There are many others from members on this board if you are looking for inspiration, but really it comes down to you, your imagination and creativity, and then turning those ideas into a snazzy intro.
You could study some of the favourite intros from YouTube channels you like and apply those ideas. Or you could even use one of these:
Good luck!