"failed to open" error

Hi, when I opened Shotcut today my project was gone. Shotcut did not go for the normal directory route when I clicked “open file”. I found my MLT file and whn I open it through Shotcut, Shotcut simply says “failed to open”. I was almost finished with this project, I have tried other fixes such as the autosave directory with no luck.
Any help would be dearly appreciated. Here’s the file, please have a look at it.
FULL BODY WORKOUT (Cardio, ab and back focussed).mlt (575.9 KB)

The mlt is not usable, or salvageable.

Unfortunately, you will have to start all over again.

Thanks :’(
Why did it happen???

I do not know. This has happened to other users. No one seems to know why it happens.

Thank You dark lord Sauron

Not entirely true but also not entirely certain either. Search here for “NUL” to learn about reasons why (outside of Shotcut) I have posted.

so i had the exact same problem. all i did was uninstall and reinstall shotcut. its now working fine

Estou tendo o mesmo problema. Editei um vídeo e fechei o programa porque estava travando muito, ao abri-lo novamente o arquivo apresentou erro e desde então não consigo abrir o vídeo. Vocês tem alguma solução que eu possa tentar? Para não perder todo o trabalho…

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