Especificar la duración de los clips de texto

Tengo una pista en la que he puesto los clips de texto que van a salir a lo largo del vídeo. Me gustaría que la duración de todos estos clips fuera igual. Moviendo con el ratón la línea roja de final es muy difícil conseguirlo y no encuentro donde especificar la duración de clips de texto o de color.

Google Traduction from Spanish to English:
I have a track in which I have put the text clips that are going to appear throughout the video. I would like the length of all these clips to be the same. Moving the red end line with the mouse is very difficult to achieve and I can’t find where to specify the duration of text or color clips.

Hi @Pilar
One way to do it:

  1. Take an image (any image) from your computer and drag it to the Source (viewer) window of Shotcut.

  2. Go to Properties and set the duration to the length you want your text clips to be. And click the Set Default button. In the example bellow, I set it to 10 seconds

  3. From now on, any image you import and any clip you will create with Open other… (Like Open other… > Text or Open other… > Color for example.) will be 10 seconds long by default.



@MusicalBox = The Saint :innocent:

I wish I was ! :joy:

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It worked! You have solved my problem. Thank you very much

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You’re welcome @Pilar

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