Hi guys,
I have a video clip with embedded subtitles.
I would like to enlarge them.
I don’t mind to enlarge the area which contains them in the clip.
Is it possible? How?
Thank you.
One way is this:
- Duplicate the original video track with the subtitles.
- Go to the top track and add a size, position, & rotate filter then set to 150% (or whatever) until the subtitles are at the desired size. You may need to reposition this track slightly so the larger subtitle text is still in the same position as the original subtitle text (give or take).
- Add a mask and set to overwrite, positioning around the subtitle text.
Attached is a zip with the mlt and an image with text that does the same thing (the text is part of the image) . You can open it and see how it is done (if you are asked for the image file location just point to the same folder you saved the mlt). I also did one with crop rectangle but the mask allows for softening the edges and looks much better.
EnlargeSubs.zip (834.4 KB)
Here is the result.
That can certainly be improved upon, but it is a start. Adjust the mask accordingly.
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