Ctrl+Alt+U ~ Remove Track

The above keyboard shortcut does not work on my Acer Swift 1 laptop. Please check if you’re a Windows user and if it works I’ll delete this post. Thank you.

What is your operating system?

Windows 10

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit?


Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
(Please be specific and use the names as seen in Shotcut, preferably English. Include a screenshot or screen recording if you can. Also, you can attach logs from either View > Application Log or right-click a job and choose View Log.)

Selected the track name.

Arrowed to the track.

Using the mouse, i.e. right-clicking, however, works.

It works for me.

Selected the track name.

This is probably your problem. If a field has focus it may not send all keystrokes to the global shortcut handler. If you find a shortcut is not working press Shift+Esc or click the player preview area to clear focus and try again.

No, I’m sorry. It only works if I right-click > left-clickTrack Operations and Remove Track (Ctrl+Alt+U). Even with the Caps Lock on and off.

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