Really enjoy using ShotCut. I searched the forum and did not find anything related to my issue.
I have an i7-10750H @ 2.60GHZ installed on my laptop running Windows 10. I cannot use any version newer than 24.09.13, otherwise the converting process for opening any video file is taking what seems like forever.
I installed 25.01.25 and after about 11 minutes, the processing was less than 50% complete for a 400MB MP4 file. Using 24.09.13, it took less than 3 minutes to finish converting.
I always use Open File/Convert to Edit-friendly/Best/Advanced/Override Frame Rate checked & Duplicate Fast.
Is there a setting on the newer versions that I should check or are they just meant to be used on much faster CPUs?
Thanks for the reply. So would uncheck Override Frame Rate in the newer version make converting go a bit faster or should I just stay with the older version? That long converting is really causing high CPU temps as well.
We use an FFMpeg command line to perform the conversion. In the case of “Override Frame Rate”, we have not changed anything between the two releases. Both versions produce the same command line. I downloaded both versions and performed a test using only the FFMpeg command that Shotcut generates. I am seeing an order of magnitude difference in the speed between the two commands:
We can check if a codec option was added for Ut Video to affect its speed. The code change to ensure constant frame rate output with FFmpeg 7 is that now Shotcut always turns on the override frame rate option based on the guesstimated frame rate.