Capture Audio Can't Open File

I am trying to record a voiceover in Shotcut (latest version, as of today). As soon as I stop the capture for the audio source, it gives me a failure message of “can’t open file”. Is this a common problem?

It seems to capture fine as an mp4, but is failing to write a wav file.

I just test it on Windows 10, capturing from a web camp microphone, and it worked for me to capture to WAV. What operating system? Also, “latest version” is not good enough; almost everyone says that but frequently wrong. The latest version was released about 16 hours ago.

On Windows 10.
And yes, it is the latest version, I just downloaded and installed it to re-test before posting here.
One thing of note is that when I selected the file name after hitting “capture”, the file type drop-down was empty.
Version 18.10.08

That is normal. I have another system on which to to test, and it succeeded as well. Both of them are failing when I include web cam video, however. So, that is probably related. Meanwhile you can use Microsoft Voice Recorder.

My workaround will probably be to record mp4 and then pull out the audio.

I have a video of the failure happening here, for what it’s worth:

The problem is that you are not using the WAV preset. When you change Format to WAV alone, it does not disable the video codec, and you cannot put H.264 video into a WAV file. The Presets are your friend. If you go outside them, you better know what you are doing because Shotcut is very flexible in the Export settings by design. As a result, you can easily shoot yourself in the foot playing with them.

Yep, verified that was the issue. Sorry for the trouble!

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