BETA version 24.10 now available to test

After the job finishes the subtitle should be shown automatically in the original subtitles panel where you clicked the Speech to text originally. Maybe your username is messing up the script somehow.

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I’ll set up another User account called “Francois” (without the ç) and see if it does the same thing and report back to this thread. Should have thought of that earlier. Thanks for the feedback!


Faudrait faire un tuto video pour la traduction de l’audio en texte,
je n’y arrive pas

Est 'il possible de traduire autrement qu’en anglais ?

Merci pour cette option.


We should make a video tutorial for the translation of audio into text,
I can’t do it

Is it possible to translate other than English?

Thank you for this option.


No problem, @BeretGascon - here’s a short demo.

NB For the main process, NOTHING HAPPENS on screen. Just wait. It’s less than a minute. My demo video is un-edited. Time to make the coffee!

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Hi @meiber,
It’s simple, as my demo video shows (previous post).
Here’s the basic instructions:

  1. Select a video clip with speech and/or singing,
  2. Select “Speech To Text” in the menu on the Subtitle s panel.
  3. Click buttons if necessary for options,
  4. Activate - and - WAIT.


  1. Sélectionnez un clip vidéo avec parole et/ou chant,
  2. Sélectionnez « Parole en texte » dans le menu du panneau Sous-titres.
  3. Cliquez sur les boutons si nécessaire pour les options,
  4. Activez - et - ATTENDEZ.


  1. WĂ€hlen Sie einen Videoclip mit Sprache und/oder Gesang aus.
  2. WĂ€hlen Sie im MenĂŒ auf der Untertitel-Leiste „Sprache zu Text“.
  3. Klicken Sie bei Bedarf auf die SchaltflÀchen, um Optionen anzuzeigen.
  4. Aktivieren Sie – und – WARTEN.

Merci pour la video.

Option speech to text,
a partir de 21 mn de video, les texte traduits, ne s’installent plus dans les sous titres,
alors que le texte traduit va bien jusqu"au bout de la video qui fait 47 mn.

Thank you for the video.

Option speech to text,
from 21 minutes of video, the translated texts no longer settle in the subtitles,
while the translated text goes well until the end of the video which is 47 minutes long.

Did you read the release notes?

We are not addressing this kind of bug report since this is using a tool we do not make and beyond our expertise and resources. Unless you can demonstrate that the tool produced the timed text, but Shotcut failed to include it. To do that, right click the second job and view log. Compare the timed text part of the output with what you see in the Subtitles panel.

Le bug a disparu en suivant votre tuto.


The bug disappeared by following your tutorial.

Thank you.

J’avais ajoutĂ© une piste de sous titre puis ensuite utilisĂ© speech to txt et placĂ© ces text sur le bonne piste de sous titre qui etait la piste 2, pour la video sur piste 1.

Avec le tuto, plus de probleme.

Grand merci.

I had added a subtitle track and then used speech to txt and placed these texts on the right subtitle track which was track 2, for the video on track 1.

With the tutorial, no more problem.

Thank you very much.

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In my testing, I noticed this problem when there are gaps in speech, but the track still has other audio (background music, ambient sounds, traffic, etc). Just like other applications for AI, these models are prone to hallucinations - and they seems to be triggered most by background sounds.

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On my Windows 11 computer I created a user named François and I was able to reproduce your problem. Both speech-to-text and importing subtitles is affected by this problem. I have fixed it for the release.

In the meantime, for a workaround, you would need to use a username without the “ç”.

Thanks for your testing and your report. I’m sure this would have affected many other users.


Quick feedback about the transition delete (ripple+non ripple) change: they’re actually great. I thought I’d hate them because I was thinking deleting something should never make extra new stuff appear but barring the unfortunate names, it’s crazy useful to quickly undo a transition or to delete one imagine from a long slideshow.

Thanks, and the known bug reported in release notes about not working on disconnected transitions after Undo is fixed in nightly build. Also, that problem affected loading an existing project with transitions.

Tout d’abord toutes mes excuses pour avoir mis des liens externe,
je me rappelais plus qu’il ne fallait pas en mettre, desolĂ©.

Etant moi meme administrateur de forum, je comprend tres bien votre action.

Pour revenir au probleme du ç
qui est un caractere special,
je pense que cela doit aussi concerner toute la liste des caracteres speçiaux que certain noms utilisent.

First of all, my apologies for putting external links,
I remembered more than that I shouldn’t put any, sorry.

Being a forum administrator myself, I understand your action very well.

To return to the problem of the ç
which is a special character,
I think it must also concern the whole list of special characters that some names use.

vous pouvez retirer mes deux messages qui posent problemes, a cause des liens externe placé dedans.

I add,
You can remove my two messages that are problematic, because of the external links placed in them.

Yes. The fix accounts for all special characters.

Many thanks for the confirmation that it wasn’t either my stupidity or my PC, and I’m sure the workaround is a solid fix.


The View bitrate result doesn’t show up at all for me using 24.10.19 or 24.10.13.
The job completes succesfully but there’s no graph.