Audio waveform not visible in last part of track if changing speed property before initial waveform build

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What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
If I add a video clip but change the “Speed” in the properties before it is done, only the waveform that was generated before changing the speed is shown. Example, add 1hr video clip, waveform is generating and visible in the video track, change speed to 10x, then the waveform is only visible up to the point where it was before it finished. I can to back to 1x and it’s all there and even doing a rebuild still doesn’t finish the waveform. Note that if I make sure to not change the speed until the waveform is completed then it works as expected and it’s fully visible. If I knew where this is cached I could go in and remove it and force it to rebuild but I’m not sure where that is.

ug ] TimelineDock::setSelection Changing selection to QList() trackIndex -1 isMultitrack false
[Debug ] Timeline::UpdateCommand::redo trackIndex 2 clipIndex 8 position 51891
[Debug ] TimelineDock::setSelection Changing selection to QList(QPoint(8,2)) trackIndex -1 isMultitrack false
[Info ] [filter swresample] 2(stereo) float 480000Hz → 2(stereo) float 48000Hz
[Debug ] AudioLevelsTask::run “generating audio waveforms for 10:S:/ShotCutProxies/ed5331bef5b6c124a9b9f2b4dc610e86.mp4” with audio_index = 1
[Info ] MainWindow::showStatusMessage “Done generating audio waveforms for 10:S:/ShotCutProxies/ed5331bef5b6c124a9b9f2b4dc610e86.mp4”
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29883500 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 21 ms.
[Debug ] Database::deleteOldThumbnails::lambda removing 1
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29716048 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 20 ms.
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29815892 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 18 ms.
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29816556 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 43 ms.
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29664808 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 24 ms.
[Debug ] AudioLevelsTask::run “generating audio waveforms for 10:S:/ShotCutProxies/ed5331bef5b6c124a9b9f2b4dc610e86.mp4” with audio_index = 1
[Info ] MainWindow::showStatusMessage “Done generating audio waveforms for 10:S:/ShotCutProxies/ed5331bef5b6c124a9b9f2b4dc610e86.mp4”
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29608224 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 21 ms.
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29625556 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 19 ms.
[Debug ] Filter::AddCommand::redo “Add Mute filter” 0
[Debug ] AttachedFiltersModel::doAddService 0
[Info ] [filter swresample] 2(stereo) f32le 480000Hz → 2(stereo) f32le 48000Hz
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29616392 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 20 ms.
[Info ] Util::isMemoryLow available RAM = 29649664 KB
[Debug ] Function autosaveTask finished in 20 ms.